RPE and HPD Fit - Testing
The use of P2/N95 masks should be reserved for aerosol generating Procedures (AGPs) or where the risk assessment places the patient in airborne precautions.
When there is a high probability of aerosol transmission due to the infectious agent or procedure e.g. bronchoscopy, sound scientific principles support the use of a P2 mask to prevent transmission.
RED OHMS Group Respiratory (P2/N95 mask) Fit testing assesses whether respirators form an adequate seal around the face and checks if the wearer is receiving sufficient protection against biological contaminants.
RED OHMS Group conducts fit testing in line with AS 1715 (2009) which stipulates:
- that individuals are trained in using RPE;
- what needs to be provided in the training;
- fit testing;
- individuals being clean shaven.
Learn more about our service offering below:
Advice On All Forms of PPE
OHMS Hygiene can advise on all forms of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment)
We conduct our RPE Mask Fit Testing in accordance with AS/NZ 1715 2009.
Please note that OSHA has recently accepted two Modified Ambient Aerosol Condensation Nuclei Counter (CNC) Quantitative Respirator Fit Test Protocols. The new protocols went into effect on September 26, 2019. OHMS Hygiene have updated our equipment software to reflect the changes to the modified CNC Protocols.
HPD (Hearing Protection Devices)
RED OHMS Group uses the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System which makes it easy to measure every employee’s unique level of protection in hearing protection fit testing and takes the guesswork out of managing compliance in your hearing conservation program.
RED OHMS Group uses the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System which makes it easy to measure every employee’s unique level of protection in hearing protection fit testing and takes the guesswork out of managing compliance in your hearing conservation program.
- Tests both ears simultaneously in less than 5 seconds.
- Earmuff and Earplug testing capability
- Tests at 7 standard frequencies – 125Hz to 8000Hz
- Science-based, objective, quantitative testing group
RED OHMS Group can train and fit test your workers either on site or in house in the RED OHMS Group offices located at West Perth.
To obtain a quote for on site fit testing, please email us at fittest@ohmshygiene.com.au.
To make a fit test booking, click the link below.
Any further enquiries or questions can be directed to fittest@ohmshygiene.com.au.

Respiratory Protective Equipment
The fit testing of RPE is legislated for in both the WA Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (1996) and the WA Mine Safety Inspection Regulations (1996); clauses 3.40 and 9.12, respectively.
Both regulations stipulate that if it is not practicable to control atmospheric contaminants in the workplace, “suitable respiratory protective equipment of a standard not less than that specified in AS 1715 is provided to employees in the relevant workplace”.
AS 1715 mandates:
- that individuals are trained in using RPE;
- what needs to be provided in the training;
- fit testing;
- individuals being clean shaven.
RED OHMS Group can train and fit test your workers using either:
- the TSI Portacount for quantitative fit testing or
- the 3M Hood for qualitative fit testing.
Hearing Protection Devices
The fit testing of HPD is recommended within AS 1269.3 workers because the method of measuring attenuation of HPD in the laboratory (AS 1270) could differ significantly from real-world fitting and attenuation.
AS 1269.3 recommends:
- that individuals are trained in the selection and use of HPD;
- what needs to be provided in the training;
that evaluation of HPD is undertaken; - individuals should be trained and fitted by an appropriately trained person with substantial knowledge of hearing protection.
OHMS Hygiene can provide training in HPD selection and use, then provide evaluation of fit with an objective fit testing method, the 3M E-A-Rfit™ Dual -Ear Validation System.
This equipment:
- tests both ears simultaneously in less than 5 seconds;
- has earmuff and earplug
- testing capability;
- tests at 7 standard frequencies – 125Hz to 8000Hz.

Respiration Fit For Healthcare Workers
Respirators are designed to help reduce the wearer’s respiratory exposure to airborne contaminants. This includes COVID 19 in certain healthcare applications.
For COVID-19 the use of P2/N95 masks should be reserved for aerosol generating Procedures (AGPs) or where the risk assessment places the patient in airborne precautions.
When there is a high probability of aerosol transmission due to the infectious agent or procedure e.g. bronchoscopy, sound scientific principles support the use of a P2 mask to prevent transmission. This is in addition to the precautions already applied for COVID-19 including contact and droplet precautions with the addition of airborne for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs), hand hygiene and environmental cleaning (including shared equipment).
OHMS Hygiene Respiratory (P2/N95 mask) Fit testing assesses whether respirators form an adequate seal around the face and checks if the wearer is receiving sufficient protection against biological contaminates.
OHMS Hygiene conducts fit testing in line with AS 1715 (2009) which stipulates:
- that individuals are trained in using RPE;
- what needs to be provided in the training;
- fit testing;
- individuals being clean shaven.
OHMS Hygiene can train and fit test your workers either on site or in house in the OHMS Hygiene offices located at West Perth. To obtain a quote for on site fit testing, please email us at fittest@ohmshygiene.com.au.
NSW Enquiries info.nsw@ohmshygiene.com.au.
To make a fit test booking in West Perth, click the link below.
Any further enquiries or questions can be directed to fittest@ohmshygiene.com.au.
To make a fit test booking in Sydney, email us at info.nsw@ohmshygiene.com.au.
Important Note: with respect to COVID 19, the CDC advise that If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a respirator unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a respirator). Respirators may be in short supply and they should be saved for caregivers.
People, Process, Safety
RED OHMS Hygiene is a consultancy service that aims to assist our clients in achieving industry best practice to advance their safety culture. RED OHMS Hygiene replaces good luck with great science and provides stakeholders with best practice tools and metrics to improve the health and welfare of workers, visitors and the community. Our team understands your business and that consultation and communication with all stakeholders is key to achieving your health and safety goals.