Biological Sampling
Legionella sampling. Drinking water assessments. Water damage assessments.
Learn more about our service offering below:
Legionella Risk Assessments
Legionella is ubiquitous in the environment, so when conditions are optimal for growth any aerosolisation of the water could lead to exposure.
Favourable conditions are associated with factors such as environmental temperatures between 25 and 65⁰C, stagnant water and bio-films.
Stagnancy may result from low water flow within reticulated water systems having “dead-legs” from the main ring, or a storage tank.

Biological Assessments
OHMS Hygiene are able to provide advice and sample for mould and bacteria, which includes:
- the correct sampling methodologies to ascertain the problem;
- the interpretation of biological results and reporting in a clear manner; and
- pragmatic advice on the management and control of identified issues
Where water networks do not form part of scheme water the owner/operator of the water network must ensure that the water is potable.
Government Health Departments provide guidelines for assessment of small community water providers and additional reporting protocols. These requirements ensure potable water is controlled according to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
People, Process, Safety
OHMS Hygiene is a consultancy service that aims to assist our clients in achieving industry best practice to advance their safety culture. OHMS Hygiene replaces good luck with great science and provides stakeholders with best practice tools and metrics to improve the health and welfare of workers, visitors and the community. Our team understands your business and that consultation and communication with all stakeholders is key to achieving your health and safety goals.