Health Managements Plans (HMP)
DEMIRS Health Management Plans and guideline sampling procedures.
Learn more about our service offerings below:
What Are Health Management Plans (HMP)
Resources safety requires mine sites to carry out a structured risk assessment of their occupational hazards and develop a HMP.
This is intended to accurately describe all the health hazards in the operation and detail the controls required to prevent harm to operators. It forms a basis from which the sampling quota can be negotiated.
NIOSH and DEMIRS criteria are used to produce a sampling strategy that outlines the number of samples to be taken on a quarterly basis. This sampling quote is then submitted to DEMIRS, and quotas are set for the financial year, with four sampling periods.

With an extensive amount of experience working with DMIRS, we can help make this process as quick and efficient as possible. This includes the following tasks and procedures.Â
Developing a Health Management Plan that will fulfil the legislative requirements to:
- characterise the workplace and workforce
- determine actual and potential health hazard exposure
- risk-assess these exposures
detail monitoring - requirements to support risk determination or verification
- define existing and required controls to prevent or reduce exposures to ALARP
Defining roles and responsibilities and outline the site’s priorities from the HMP.
Conducting hazard identification for chemical, physical and biological agents and ergonomic conditions in the work environment that have the potential to cause harm, including:
- noise
- vibration
- diesel emissions
- atmospheric contaminants, (dust, fibres, gas, vapour, fume etc.)
- water treatment
- ergonomic stressors
- UV radiation
- heat & cold
- ionising radiation
How the RED OHMS Team Can Deliver This
With a dedicated team of Certified Occupational Hygienists, OHMS Hygiene can deliver the Health Management Plan along with ongoing technical support for monitoring requirements.
Our years of experience can help make this very involved process much easier and help to ensure that you’re compliant with government regulations and have protected your staff from harm and your company from the risk of fines and litigation.
If data exist, OHMS Hygiene will conduct a statistical review of occupational hygiene data collected to date, to provide a risk profile of SEGs. This risk profile will be used to determine ongoing monitoring requirements.
Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help you with your HHMP and subsequent monitoring plan
People, Process, Safety
OHMS Hygiene is a consultancy service that aims to assist our clients in achieving industry best practices to advance their safety culture. OHMS Hygiene replaces good luck with great science and provides stakeholders with best practice tools and metrics to improve the health and welfare of workers, visitors and the community. Our team understands your business and that consultation and communication with all stakeholders are key to achieving your health and safety goals.