Naturally Occurring Asbestos


Naturally Occurring Asbestos

Fibrous Minerals also known as Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) are present throughout Australia.

OHMS Hazmat can provide advice and in some instances asbestos air monitoring to help assess and manage these occurrences across mining locations for our clients.

Learn more about our service offering below:


NOA Mining Locations

Numerous mining operations routinely impact and disturb NOA Mining Locations, and as such they need to be characterised, assessed and managed.

Naturally occurring asbestos can be:

  • white (chrysotile)
  • brown (actinolite, amosite)
  • blue (anthophyllite, crocidolite)
  • tremolite.

OHMS Hazmat can provide advice and in some instances asbestos air monitoring to help assess and manage these occurrences across mining locations for our clients.

A FMMP usually only relates to contaminant asbestos and not asbestos-containing materials (ACM) found in buildings. In WA this is defined in the Mine Safety Inspection Regulations 1995.

The purpose of the FMMP is to evaluate the hazard associated with fibrous minerals in the workplace and standardise procedures and appropriate controls that will prevent workplace exposure to harmful levels of naturally occurring fibrous minerals.

Compliance, Science, Optimisation

OHMS Hazmat uses a risk based approach to ensure our partners are equipped with both the knowledge and expertise to effectively manage the risk of exposure to asbestos. In achieving this, we are committed to upholding strong environmental values and the provision of high quality science within a regulatory framework.