Soil and Fill Management


Classification of Waste Soils

The OHMS Environment team has extensive experience in the classification of waste soils in accordance with the Department of Environment and Conservations (now DWER) Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996 (As amended December 2009) and equivalent interstate guidance for projects outside of Western Australia.

Sampling of soils for classification purposes can be undertaken in-situ prior to site excavation works, or from stockpiles post earthworks.

Once classified, the soils can be reused onsite (if chemically and physically suitable) or appropriately disposed of to a facility licensed to accept the waste.

In the classification of waste soils the RED OHMS team utilise statistical methods to adequately classify soils to ensure materials obtain the lowest waste classification possible to increase reuse options and keep off-site disposal costs to a minimum.

Dig garden
Dig garden

Where Science Meets Sustainability

OHMS Environment provides focused & risk-based environmental solutions to support all industries to best manage risks to human and ecological health. In achieving this, we are committed to upholding strong environmental values and the provision of high-quality science within a regulatory framework.