
Elementor test

Where there is a presumption that a site is contaminated with asbestos it is recommended a preliminary site investigation (PSI) is undertaken.

This involves an investigation of records and available material of the site history. It may also include a site walkthrough to identify possible surface contamination.

Based on the findings of the PSI a detailed site investigation may be actioned which would involve sampling of the soil to identify hot spots and quantify the location of the contamination.

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Removal off site involves the excavation of the affected soil and disposal at a licensed facility. Often another location on the same site can be identified for burial of the material which negates the cost of disposal however this essentially only shifts the problem to another location and requires an ongoing asbestos management plan.

Contaminated land often has a Memorial on Title (MOT) which can impact on future sales or land usage. Through liaison with the client RED OHMS Asbestos understanding of the issues arising with asbestos in soil can help assist in the ongoing management or remediation of the affected land.